Christmas and the end of the year!

So, one last blog post before I go on holiday! This is basically just saying how my year has gone.

So, this year, I have gotten an apprenticeship at Xiscad, in IT and graphic design with SLR Design.

So far in the graphical design side of it, with SLR Design, I have done a Photoshop project, an Illustrator project, a Portrait project, a Logo project and finally a Movie Poster project. I am going to pick a favorite piece from each project and say how I could improve it if I did it again and why it is my favorite.

Photoshop project:

This is my favorite piece of this section because I am proud of how I have made the different parts of the image fit in to one another. If I did it again I would probably make the scene darker and more distorted.

Alice In Mirror Dark copy

Illustrator project:

This is my favorite piece of this section as it was the first one I did, and it was one of more complicated ones as it involved a lot of different sections to create each piece of food. I don’t think I would actually do anything to it if I wanted to do it again.


Portrait project:

I think that my favorite piece of this project would be this piece because I love how I have done the fox face, and I also think how I have done the reflection is awesome. If I had to do this again I would probably do more with the background like I did in the other pictures, but I would add in the water reflection.


Logo project:

I think that for the FreakGeek logo that this one was the best, even if it wasn’t my dads favorite. I like it because I thought it was very simple but fitted very well with the theme of the company.

Cursor 2 copy

For the Washington Musical Society I think that this was my best logo, it was also the one that my gran liked as well. I liked this one because it is very simple but colourful, just like the Washington Musical Society.


And for the Inspire Choir logo, I thought that this one was the best, my gran also liked this one as well. I liked this one as it brought in the vibrancy of the Inspire Choir and it also linked in the WI.

Inspire WI 3

And so, finally, the Movie poster project. This is the latest project which I completed last week. This was a really fun project as we could do basically whatever we wanted to a movie poster. I think that out of the three that I did this one is my favorite. This is because it looks like the mask poster, and the Joker and the Mask are very similar in character meaning that it is a very awesome poster!

Batman The Mask

So, I will post again after Christmas! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

jack frost christmas copy.jpg